News: College of Education

Audrey James rides in the first car in the Homecoming Parade.
People |

Audrey James was one of the few African Americans in UNLV's earliest classes and a lifelong educator.

man sitting in front of wall that reads "delta academy"
People |

The College of Education Alumnus of the Year on what our educational system gets right, and where Rebels are needed to make a difference.

The Sphere on the Las Vegas Strip.
Campus News |

A collection of news stories highlighting expert insights, research, and academic achievement.

woman poses with arms crossed in front of flashlight sculpture
People |

Safiyya Bintali will attend Educause’s annual conference and network with technology professionals to further her IT career goals.

Students walking in front of Carlson Education Building
Business and Community |

College of Education program becomes first registered apprenticeship for teachers in the western U.S. and one of just eight nationally; designation will drive program expansion.

Students at Pida Plaza on the first day of classes (Josh Hawkins, UNLV).
Campus News |

A roundup of prominent news stories highlighting university pride, research, and community collaboration.

young man in black clothes posing on running track
People |

Part of Intercollegiate Professional Sport Management's first cohort, he's now assistant director of compliance for UNLV Athletics.

Graduation surprise
Campus News |

News stories from the summer featuring UNLV students and faculty.

group of students in graduation gowns
Campus News |

The Dual Enrollment program gives students a head start on earning their college degree.

female student poses on steps in red graduation gown
Campus News |

Program helps alumna learn the ins and outs of graduate school and make her way to Harvard for a master’s degree.

smiling and waving female in red graduation gown walks across stage
Campus News |

The new initiative raised $7,742 within the first seven months.

detail shot of 3 schoolchildren in classroom working
Campus News |

The program provides elementary and second-level teachers with tools and strategies to support the learning, content, and language development of students from multi-ethnic communities.