In The News: Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education
Since the pandemic began, teacher unions have played a significant role in the process of reopening public schools. This role has been characterized by a very cautious stance in allowing teachers to return to campus. And although not all districts must negotiate with their unions in order to open their doors, the truth is that, without the blessing of the union, will teachers go to work? Asks Bradley Marianno, a teaching assistant at the University. of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Throughout the pandemic, teachers’ unions in many states and large districts have played a powerful role in negotiating school closures and reopenings. And with coronavirus cases surging around the nation, the labor groups are continuing to flex their political muscle, most often pushing for a more conservative approach to getting teachers and kids back in buildings.
In his victory speech, President-elect Joe Biden said it was a “great day” for America’s educators because “one of your own” would be in the White House, referring to his wife, Jill Biden, a member of the country’s largest teachers union.
President-elect Joe Biden might have won the White House, but his expansive education plan will soon hit a Congress that has far fewer Democrats than envisioned under the “Blue Wave” forecast prior to the election.
The authors’ thought leadership is shared through the efforts of The Collective Think Tank. The Collective, Wasserman’s women-focused division, has assembled this global consortium of some of today’s greatest academic minds and industry leaders focused on gender parity and improvement.
As Chicago weighs a school reopening plan for the year’s second quarter, one thing is conspicuously absent: an agreement with the city’s restive and powerful teachers union.

Over the course of a few days in mid-May in Providence, in between homeschooling her 5- and 9-year-olds, grading undergrad research papers, baking bread, revising her first book, and co-chairing Brown University’s Healthy Fall 2020 Task Force over Zoom, Emily Oster sat down in front of her laptop with a steady supply of coffee.
Now that Allegiant Stadium is built and hosting games, the Raiders are on to their next project, one with a much larger social impact.
Now that Allegiant Stadium is built and hosting games, the Raiders are on to their next project, one with a much larger social impact.
The Collective, a division focused on women within Wasserman, is launching The Collective Think Tank this week to research multiple aspects of women and sports, including female fandom, purchasing power and gender inequities within the industry.
Back to school looks a lot different this fall, and that’s in part due to teachers unions.
The Collective Think Tank, which the company calls a ‘first-of-its-kind initiative’, will bring together researchers at academic institutions and sports organisations, including properties, brands and media companies, to gather and disseminate insights and information ‘to promote more opportunity for women to succeed in sports’.