News: College of Sciences

New mineral from Earth’s lower mantle
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New mineral from Earth’s lower mantle surfaced as diamond inclusion; study led by UNLV geochemist Oliver Tschauner.

person with school face paint
Campus News |

A collection of news stories featuring stargazing and change at UNLV.

A river of bursts from a galaxy as recorded by the FAST telescope
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A flurry of more than 1,650 FRBs detected by FAST telescope over 47 days in 2019 unlocks clues to the nature and location of the powerful millisecond-long cosmic radio explosions.

A man sits on a hill near a stream
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Volunteerism was an essential part of College of Sciences Alumnus of the Year Zane Marshall's career path.

A researcher working in the lab of the Chambers-Grundy Center for Transformative Neuroscience
Campus News |

A collection of news stories featuring collaboration and reflection at UNLV.

Two telescopic images side by side of a distant star system. Left shows blue dust rings and right features a peculiar gap
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Potential discovery of a circumtriple planet has implications for bolstering our understanding of planet formation.

Mary Blankenship peers into Scienta
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UNLV undergrad Mary Blankenship blends public policy, science, and economics into a cocktail for successful global change.

two doctors in scrubs around dental chair
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UNLV School of Dental Medicine names Drs. Jesse Falk and Michael Moody its Alumni of the Year.

Student playing Jenga
Campus News |

A collection of news stories highlighting community and perseverance at UNLV.

A boat sails along the water at Lake Mead with the bathub ring and mountains pictured in the background
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UNLV climate scientist Matthew Lachniet explains what it means and how climate change plays a role.

U.N.L.V. nursing student in red shirt reviewing slide sample with peer
Campus News |

A collection of news stories highlighting research, health, and community at UNLV.

A woman stands in front of Machu Picchu
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Artist Danielle Eames turns to medical school at age 32.