Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Arthur Baragar (Math) recently spoke at the Princeton/Institute for Advanced Studies number theory seminar. His talk was titled "From Counting Markoff Triples to Apollonian Packings; a Path via Elliptic K3 Surfaces and their Ample Cones." 
Satish C. Bhatnagar (Math) is the author of Via Bhatinda: A Braid of Reflected Memoirs, Volume II, which was published this month. This is his 10th solo book in the last seven years.
Alexis Sauceda-Quintero (Life Sciences) was selected to give an oral presentation of his research at the recent 2017 annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Phoenix. An undergraduate researcher in the lab of Kelly Ai-Sun Tseng (Life Sciences), Sauceda-Quintero presented “Regrowing a Tail: Does…
Donald Price (Life Sciences) is one of the authors of a research paper, "Mapping Genomic Scaffolds to Chromosomes Using Laser Capture Microdissection in Application to Hawaiian Picture-Winged Drosophila," that was published in Cytogenet Genome Research. His fellow authors are Lin Kang, Phillip George, Igor Sharakhov, and Pawel Michalak, all of…
Ken Czerwinski (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has accepted an invitation from the director of the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to serve as an expert on a study mandated by Congress on the treatment of low-level radioactive waste at the Hanford site in Washington state.…
David Hatchett (Chemistry and Biochemistry) was recently awarded a $232,936 research grant from National Security Technologies. The funding will support his “Metals Separation Project.”  
School of Life Sciences associate professor and associate dean of the College of Sciences Javier A. Rodríguez was appointed Affiliated Researcher of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley. “Affiliated Researcher” is an official designation conferred to a small number of investigators with…
MaryKay Orgill (Chemistry and Biochemistry) was shocked by the news of the Oct. 1 incident on the Las Vegas Strip. How she reacted and some of her students' responses were featured recently in Chemical & Engineering News.   The morning after the incident, Orgill decided to talk to her class about how the mass shooting…
Lauren Galloway (Sociology), Jillian Socea (Life Sciences), Kimberly Stevens (Psychology), and Monia Kazemeini and Sogol Pirbastami (both Mechanical Engineering) have been chosen to receive the fall 2017 Southwest Travel Awards. Recipients of the awards receive a round-trip travel voucher from Southwest Airlines to allow them to travel to a…
Jun Kang (Chemistry and Biochemistry) and the Division of Research and Economic Development have partnered with the reagent company Kerafast to market and distribute two novel reagents. The agreement allows Kerafast, a global supplier of biological research tools, to market two reagents that generate phosphorus- and nitrogen-containing compounds…
Laurel Raftery, Andrew Andres, Ai-Sun "Kelly" Tseng, and Boo Shan Tseng (all Life Sciences), and Hong Sun (Chemistry & Biochemistry), have been awarded a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant to purchase a multiphoton fluorescence imaging system titled "MRI: Acquisition of a High Speed Multiphoton Laser-Scanning…
Jason Richards (Chemistry and Biochemistry), a doctoral student in the radiochemistry program, was awarded a first-place prize in the 2017 Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's office of nuclear technology R&D. His award is in the open competition in the category of nuclear…