Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Gary Kleiger (Chemistry and Biochemistry) is a co-corresponding author on a paper titled "Linkage-Specific Ubiquitin Chain Formation Depends on a Lysine Hydrocarbon Ruler" that was in the journal Nature Chemical Biology. Alums Nicholas Purser, '19 BS Biology; Nicole Burton, '20 BS Chemistry; and Daniel Houston, '09 BA Psychology and BS Biology,…
Mary Blankenship (Economics, Chemistry, Brookings Mountain West, The Liny Institute, Honors), was awarded the 2020 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award during the fall 2020 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, sponsored by the office of undergraduate research (OUR). This award recognizes one outstanding UNLV undergraduate student…
Arya Udry (Geoscience) has been selected for the Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program. Udry's proposal "Using Jezero Crater Igneous Compositions to Constrain Martian Interior and Surface Processes from the Noachian to Amazonian" was selected for funding. She was one of 13 proposals out of 119 chosen for the award. UNLV now has…
Mary Blankenship (Economics, Chemistry, Brookings Mountain West, Honors) recently was featured in the Global News article "‘Playing with Fire’: How Politicians Can Perpetuate Baseless Conspiracy Theories" where she discusses steps individuals can take to stop the spread of misinformation on Twitter.
Hui Zhang and Hong Sun (both Chemistry and Biochemistry) received an RO1 grant, “Regulation of SOX Proteins by Methylation-dependent Proteolysis in Stem Cells and Development,” from the National Institutes of Health for four years for a total of $1,238,360. The objective of this RO1 grant is to investigate how the pluripotency…
The office of undergraduate research (OUR) recently held its Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium and the College of Sciences brought home several honors, including: The School of Life Sciences earned the Champions of Undergraduate Research Award for its commitment to excellence in research education. The…
Ashok Singh (Hospitality) and Rohan J. Dalpatadu (Math) are the authors of an article, "Using HAC Estimators for Intervention Analysis." The purpose of this article is to present an alternative method for intervention analysis of time series data that is simpler to use than the traditional method of fitting an explanatory Autoregressive Integrated…
Rebecca Martin (Physics and Astronomy) was awarded a NASA Exoplanets grant for $541,460 to study planet formation in binary star systems.
Brian Hedlund (Life Sciences) was part of a large international team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute (JGI) that published a paper, "A Genomic Catalog of Earth's Microbiomes," in Nature Biotechnology. The paper describes 52,515 new draft microbial genomes that were generated from metagenomic data contained within the…
Allyson Hindle (School of Life Sciences) received a grant, "Epigenetic pathways to regulate homeostatic resilience: Model-based discovery of rules across diverse mammals," from the National Science Foundation and its Rules of Life Mechanism. The total collaborative grant is for five years and $3 million with UNLV receiving $884,080…
Donald Price (Life Sciences) recently has published two scientific articles describing research conducted in Hawaii.  The first paper, titled “Analysis of Genomic Sequence Data Reveals the Origin and Evolutionary Separation of Hawaiian Hoary Bat Populations,” is published in Genome Biology and Evolution. This paper is with Corinna Pinzari, a…
Daniel Proga (Physics and Astronomy) was awarded one of NASA's most prestigious research grants through the Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Networks (TCAN) program. The grant totals $1,547,537 and will be shared with four other major research institutions: the Institute for Advanced Study, the NASA Goddard Space Flight…