News: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

A student works on a laptop in his dorm room
Campus News |

Office of Online Education offers tips to ensure student success, from tech to study habits, while engaging in remote education.

Profile image of UNLV social work professor Nick Barr on UNLV's campus
Business and Community |

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, UNLV social work professor Nicholas Barr stresses importance of keeping people housed.

A portrait of U.N.L.V.'s new president Keith Whitfield on campus.
Campus News |

As summer heats up, so do the accomplishments on UNLV’s campus.

A man stands in front of Greenspun Hall with his arms folded
Campus News |

As shutdowns threatened internships, various programs and employers have found creative workarounds for students to gain crucial workplace experience.

two students at podiums
Campus News |

Nationally recognized program builds critical thinking through times of crisis but faces funding problems.

Nicole Santero at home, surrounded by BTS memorabilia, including a poster.
People |

Nicole Santero balances her job communicating about the School of Public Health with her doctoral research on the BTS phenomenon.

A woman sitting down at a bench
People |

This financial aid counselor is working on a master's degree in public administration to help further her UNLV career.

two women talking via video conference call
Campus News |

Urban Affairs’ Advising Center Crafts Remote Infrastructure in Response to Pandemic

aerial of campus with city in background
Business and Community |

Placements provide students vital experience as they serve at more than 60 local agencies.

man in child's bedroom with two kids dancing behind him
People |

Remote orientation keeps energy and enthusiasm up among new students through the pandemic.

A U.N.L.V. banner on campus.
Campus News |

A collection of news stories featuring the people and programs of UNLV.

A woman wears a cloth face mask
Business and Community |

As virus mandate goes into place, public health professor Brian Labus offers context.