In The News: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

Washington Post

At 15, I arrived in the United States with a suitcase full of clothes, a picture of my golden retriever and the excitement of starting my new life. That was 10 years ago. Last month, the day after I graduated from college, I got on a nonstop flight that carried me and my new journalism degree away from the place I call home, back to a place my family and I once waved goodbye to. I am unsure I will be allowed to reenter.


Now that the Bundys are out of jail and the judge dropped charges due to misconduct by federal prosecutors, all their troubles are over, right?

Las Vegas Review Journal

When North Las Vegan Makenna Gott married her husband, Kyle, in 2013, she knew she was marrying YouTube, too.

Mesquite Local News

he 2018 Homeless Census and Survey will launch on January 24th.

Las Vegas Review Journal

New Year’s fireworks exploded overhead as the Metropolitan Police Department’s lead homicide investigator arrived at the scene of the final killing of 2017, the deadliest year in Las Vegas since at least 1990.

NY Daily News

What can you do in three minutes?

Las Vegas Review Journal

A UNLV study concluded the Las Vegas City Council should mandate automatic fire sprinkler systems for all new single-family homes, a measure city officials have left on the table without a vote for months.

Las Vegas Sun

San Diego native Jacqueline Phan passed on opportunities to study in California so she could contribute to biochemistry research here in Las Vegas.

New Kerala

The study, conducted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), and CNA, a non-profit research and analysis organization, also found that the implementation of body cameras resulted in a decrease in police misconduct. The full study can be found here:

Las Vegas Review Journal

By the time violence broke out at a white nationalist march and counterdemonstration in August in Charlottesville, Virginia, UNLV senior Robert Gipson II had had enough.

Las Vegas Review Journal

By the time violence broke out at a white nationalist march and counterdemonstration in August in Charlottesville, Virginia, UNLV senior Robert Gipson II had had enough.

Law Officer

A recent study conducted by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas showed that use of force complaints dropped significantly at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) after the agency deployed body cameras.