Accomplishments: College of Fine Arts

Hikmet Loe (Art History) moderated a community panel on the occasion of the exhibition "Salt Lines: Exploring Climate, Environment, and the Saline Influx" at Southern Utah Museum of Art, Southern Utah University. Engaging experts in art, Indigenous leaders, and environmental activists, the panel discussed environmental crisis in the Great Basin…
Dale Melgaard (Film) has received the "Best Screenplay Writing" award for the script, The Phatman, at the MEI International Film Festival.
Dak Kopec (Architecture) published a coedited anthology with Jennifer Burgermeister, Rice University. This anthology includes essays from members of UNLV, including Ash Quinn (Service Learning & Leadership); faculty in residence Candice Wilcken; and student Aluna Perry (Architecture). Every life holds a story — every story leaves a mark.…
Amy Brown (Music) presented a session at the 2025 Ohio Music Educators Association Annual Conference titled, "Parachute Play, the Musical Way: Engaging Movement and Playing with a Splash of AI." The presentation centered around the theme in Joseph Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major (Surprise), II. "Andante."  Aimed at teaching elementary…
The L.A. based nationally and internationally acclaimed Lula Washington Dance Theatre (LWDT) has commissioned the work, "Optic 3: Trying," choreographed by Victoria Dale (Dance), to be added to the LWDT repertoire.
Vikki Baltimore-Dale (Dance) authored the third edition of Survey of African American Dance titled, Survey of African American Dance and Its Contribution to the African Diaspora published by Kendall Hunt.
Dale Melgaard (Film) has received a nomination for the script, The Phatman, at the New Delhi Film Festival.
Katrina Liu (Teaching and Learning) and Richard Miller (School of Music), together with their colleague Michael K. Thomas (Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, Chicago), published a new book, Preparing White Teachers for Anti-Racist Education: Critical Reflection and Generativity for Transformative Praxis. This research-based guide from…
Stephen Caplan's (Music) "Concert Review" of the Lonarc Trio's two performances at the International Double Reed Society conference was published in the Fall/Winter issue of Double Reed News, the magazine of the British Double Reed Society.
Nick Carozza (Music) will compete as a national finalist in the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind Competition. He earned this opportunity after winning the Nevada State and Southwest Regional Division of the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind competition. A second-year D.M.A. student at UNLV, Carozza has been studying oboe for 14 years and is currently a…
Dale Melgaard (Film) received a nomination as a "Finalist" for the script The Phatman at the Best Script Awards London.
On Nov. 15, Stefano Boselli (Theatre) presented his paper, “Large Production, Big History: The Actor-Network Dramaturgy of Good Bye Mister Freud through Space and Time,” during the “Big Histories: Experimental Methods for Tracking Change Across Bodies, Generations, and Geographies in Performance” Working Session at the American Society for Theatre…