In The News: School of Dental Medicine

Conjour Magazine

Dr. Tina Brandon Abbatangelo works to improve the oral health of captive exotic animals across America. This has boosted her concern over the exotic pet trade, particularly in her home state of Nevada where there are no specific laws surrounding the practice. She wrote about her experiences within, and views on, the industry for Conjour.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Karen West, dean of the UNLV School of Dental Medicine, submitted her resignation in early October.


Look, we know sugar — especially the refined sugar in candy — isn't good for us. And sure, we try to avoid it whenever possible... but what about Halloween? Is it really that bad to let kids indulge like this once a year?


Botox could potentially treat both my bruxism and the underlying trauma that may have caused it.

DOCS Education

To say that Dr. Tina Brandon Abbatangelo is anything but your run-of-the-mill dentist is hardly an exaggeration.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Dr. Tina Brandon Abbatangelo realized the importance of dental care at a young age after a terrible toothache.

Decisions in Dentistry

Every dentist surely has a story about the most difficult patient they’ve encountered. Well, Tina Brandon Abbatangelo, DDS, has them all beat.

Health News Digest

Every dentist surely has a story about the most difficult patient they’ve encountered. Well, Dr. Tina Brandon Abbatangelo has them all beat.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV is notifying 184 patients that they may have had dental implant work done with an instrument that had been used on other patients.

KSNV-TV: News 3

At seven years old, first grader Malakai Hurd already knows once you get past the baby teeth -- you have one shot to get it right.

PR Newswire

Absolute Dental has committed to a $100,000 donation and voluntary clinical time over the next five years to the UNLV Absolute Dental Saturday Morning Children's Clinic. This donation and long-term partnership will help improve access to quality dental care to underserved children in the Las Vegas community.

The Stem Cell Podcast

A team of researchers from the University of Nevada Las Vegas have developed a device they hilarious call the “Tooth Cracker 5000” to extract 80 percent of the stem cells a pulp contains from a wisdom tooth.