News: Honors College

First-generation college student Kiara Sims
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Kiara Sims is one first-gen student who is making the donors who support her education — and her mother — proud.

student wearing face covering sits on ground, using laptop
Campus News |

Diversity, safety, and success become the foundation for UNLV.

woman smiling
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Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute student researchers embrace remote learning and engage in public policy research to benefit UNLV and the region.

A man sits at the edge of his desk
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Honors College Alumnus of the Year follows in his grandfather's footsteps to a legal career.

portrait of woman
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Lessons learned from her brother, Michael, prompted Dr. Kate Martin to develop an Honors College course that will urge students to consider the needs of those with differences.

man wearing face mask working putting grocery items in bag in storeroom
Campus News |

The full effect of the crisis won't be known for some time, but right now donors are helping the university pivot to focus on emergency needs and mental health.

library interior study spaces
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Eight UNLV Students Honored With 2020 Lance and Elena Calvert Awards For Undergraduate Research across a wide spectrum of research topics.

UNLV graduate seated with decorated cap
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An enduring UNLV end-of-semester tradition is to highlight exceptional students who embody the academic, research, and community impact of the graduating class.

A student hugs the UNLV president while holding a bouquet and wearing a crown at a football game.
Campus News |

Honors education major will be using her experiences to inspire a new generation of students.

Hands holding a scalpel and a pen
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In her transdisciplinary Honors College thesis project, UNLV senior Kendahl Servino investigates how our regard for our hands can reveal far more than we might expect.

Alice Hasings standing next to a cactus
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The Honors College’s new academic advisor dishes on remote work, flying pizza, and making strong connections on campus.

Undergraduates Alvaro Carbonero and Ava Platt
Campus News |

Undergraduates Alvaro Carbonero and Ava Platt among a select group of STEM students nationwide selected for prestigious honor.