Accomplishments: University Libraries

Tyler D. Parry (African American and African Diaspora Studies; Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) was interviewed on KNPR's State of Nevada to discuss a new documentary titled, "Across the Tracks: A Las Vegas Westside Story," that explores the history of Las Vegas' Westside and the African American experience in southern Nevada. Parry…
Darnelle Melvin, Andre Hulet, and Cory K. Lampert (all Libraries) had a paper, "WikiframeVG: A SPARQL Template-based Framework for Wikidata Graph Exploration and Visualization," published in the Proceedings of the Wikidata Workshop 2023, held in conjunction with the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference. 
Sarah Jones, Cory Lampert, and Emily Lapworth (all Libraries) co-authored an article, "Islandora for archival access and discovery," published in code{4}lib Journal. The article details UNLV Libraries' efforts to utilize Islandora 2 to create a public, online portal for access to materials available in UNLV's Special Collections…
Mark Lenker (Educational Initiatives Department, UNLV Libraries) had an essay published in the journal Communications in Information Literacy. "Dwindling Trust in Experts: A Starting Point for Information Literacy" makes a case for centering library instruction on the public’s declining trust in experts. The recommended guided discussion…
Darnelle Melvin (Libraries) received the 2023 Search Industry "Best Open-Source Project" for Wikiframe Visual Graph, which provides a search capability for Special Collections & Archives data stored on Wikidata.  
Darnelle Melvin (Libraries) presented a paper and poster, "WikiframeVG: A SPARQL Template-based Framework for Wikidata Graph Exploration and Visualization," at the 4th Wikidata Workshop co-located with the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2023) in Athens Greece. The paper was co-authored by Cory Lampert and Andre Hulet (both…
Mark Lenker (Libraries) interviewed UNLV colleague and middle-school friend Jarret Keene (English) for EcoTheo Review. In "Taking a Hammer to Las Vegas," the two discussed the characters, themes, and Las Vegas environments of Keene's new dystopian novel Hammer of the Dogs, published by the University of Nevada Press and available everywhere books…
Brittani Sterling, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies Librarian, (Libraries) was the invited keynote speaker of The Innovative Library Conference (TILC) 2023. Her address discussed the importance of academic librarians utilizing their unique positions as third space facilitators, scholar practitioners, and community…
Stephanie Fell and Landon Paljusaj (both Libraries) gave a presentation titled, "Serials Reclassification and Metadata Remediation: A Case Study in Progress" at the NASIG Autumn 2023 virtual conference. The presentation described two projects currently underway in the Libraries to improve access and discovery to Special Collections Periodicals and…
Cory Lampert (Libraries) was elected chair of the Information Technology Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). The Information Technology Section promotes best practices in computing technology for libraries and information services around the globe.
Amber Sewell (Libraries) authored an article, "A Case for Open Peer Review Podcasting in Academic Librarianship," published in portal: Libraries and the Academy. In the article, Sewell discusses her experience creating The LibParlor Podcast, an open peer review podcast. The podcast is a space for informal peer review for librarian…
Andrea Wirth (Libraries) was elected chair of the Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). The Serials & Other Continuing Resources Section serves as IFLA’s home for scholarly communication.