Accomplishments: School of Integrated Health Sciences
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) co-authored a paper on the clinical utility of serum uric acid in predicting cardiovascular events in adults with type 1 diabetes in a 13-year follow-up study. The findings do not support uric acid as a biomarker for cardiovascular events refuting the findings of other trials of…
Gabriela Buccini (Environmental and Occupational Health) is a co-author of a newly published article, "Household food insecurity and early childhood development in Brazil: an analysis of children under 2 years of age," in the Public Health Nutrition journal. The study found that household food insecurity is strongly associated…
Amalie Alver, Kavita Batra, Amrita Patel, and Kenneth Izuora (all Medicine) Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Antonina Capurro, Civon Gewelber, Kristin Baca, Shelley Williams, and Jeffrey Ebersole (all Dental) presented the results of their research collaboration, “Predictor of Food Insecurity among Ambulatory Patients with…
Dustin W. Davis (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences) recently published a manuscript, "A Literature Review on the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Labyrinth Walking" in the International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences. Labrynth walking entails walking a path that curves to create a circular, square, or…
Macy Helm (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), an undergraduate student, was the lead author on an invited critical review that examined the role of nutrition interventions in addressing the impact of menstrual hormones on hydration status and micronutrient deficiencies in female athletes. Helm was mentored by Arpita Basu…
Jennifer Kawi (Nursing), as a member of the board of the state office of minority health and equity (NOMHE), was part of an AAPI listening session titled “Fatigued & Taxed: A Listening Session about the Strain and Expectations Facing Asian American and Pacific Islander Healthcare Professionals.” The session, which took place…
Zaijing Sun (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) was invited and presented his research, "Nuclear Activation Analysis: Theory and Applications," in the INES seminar series of the department of engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In the talk, he discussed some recent studies conducted by the…
Dieu-My Tran, Barbara St. Pierre Schneider (both Nursing), and Graham McGinnis (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) co-authored "Circadian Rhythms in Sudden Cardiac Arrest: A Review".
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) in collaboration with researchers at the University of Colorado and the University of South Florida published a report on the dietary associations of food and nutrient intake with the development of coronary artery…
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences); Kenneth Izuora (Medicine); Jefferson Kinney, Arnold Salazar (both Brain Health); and Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) published a randomized double-blind controlled trial in Nutrients on the effects of strawberry antioxidant supplementation in adults with the metabolic syndrome. The results revealed…
Zaijing Sun (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) has been elected to the executive committee of the Education, Training, and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD) of the American Nuclear Society. His three-year term will begin June 17. The ETWDD provides communication among the academic, industrial, and governmental communities through the…
Alexander Barzilov (Mechanical Engineering), Artem Gelis (Chemistry), and Zaijing Sun (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) gave recruitment presentations and answered questions about corresponding nuclear-related programs at the 2021 ANS Virtual Student Conference last week. UNLV is among the 11 top-tier universities invited to have university…