News: College of Liberal Arts

aerial shot of the university in 1960
UNLV History |

As both a graduate and a history professor, Michael Green has watched UNLV’s growth with some awe. It’s future, he says, will be all the more astonishing.

Kendra Patterson is studying abroad in China this semester with support from a scholarship.
Campus News |

Learn from UNLV students who just landed prestigious scholarships to study in Asia, Central America, and Europe.

Alyssa Crittenden portrait
Research |

What do a heist thriller, the evolving human diet, water quality, consumer behavior, literature, and Mars have in common? All were the foundation of research awards UNLV faculty gar-nered this year.

Cover of The Aztecs at Indepencence
Research |

New book on 19th century Mexican community proves a written tradition, previously assumed to have ended around the battle for independence, continued beyond.

two women looking at art exhibit
Arts and Culture |

History professor finds the humanity in a Barrick Museum exhibit meditating on the minutiae of atomic testing history.

Diane Chase speaking with a group
People |

UNLV’s chief academic officer on her first year here and the changes to come.

A speaker on stage
Campus News |

The featured speakers from UNLV Creates share their wishes for this fall's incoming students.

A student and faculty member examine an experiment under magnification.
Research |

McNair/AANAPISI programs for low-income, first-generation students matches undergrads with faculty mentors that share their focus and goals.

Group of indigenous women
Research |

Drawing on community partnerships developed with Yup’ik Eskimo villagers, a new book combines research with indigenous perspectives to create a comprehensive understanding of colonialism in Alaska.

Flor Cardona
People |

President’s 2017 Classified Employee of the Year Flor Cardona says she is living the American dream

Kayla Bland, a participant in UNLV's Journey program examining a microscope slide.
Business and Community |

UNLV is a host site for the federally-funded Journey program, which puts Native American and other minority high school students interested in health research into college labs.

Xiangning Chen holds a cigarette with smoke resembling a DNA strand
Research |

Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine gene researchers clear the air on the link between schizophrenia and smoking.