News: College of Liberal Arts

woman posing in hallway
Campus News |

Managers encouraged to be "flexible, equitable, and communicative" with employees who have children being schooled from home.

A drawng of hands with hearts on the palms raised in the air
Campus News |

African American Studies professors say ridding the classroom of racism begins with self-reflection.

woman in office
People |

Known for pushing the envelope and for being ahead of the curve, English professor and pop culture advocate Felicia Campbell joined the UNLV faculty in 1962.

Lisa Levine
People |

A Scholarship Fund Honoring Regent Sam Lieberman Draws Community Support

A portrait of U.N.L.V.'s new president Keith Whitfield on campus.
Campus News |

As summer heats up, so do the accomplishments on UNLV’s campus.

portrait of Matthew Montalto, Admissions Analyst, Graduate College. 
People |

It may not be the theater Matthew Montalto once dreamed of working in, but the admissions analyst loves his job at the UNLV Graduate College.

Nicole Santero at home, surrounded by BTS memorabilia, including a poster.
People |

Nicole Santero balances her job communicating about the School of Public Health with her doctoral research on the BTS phenomenon.

smiling black woman hangs "open" sign on the window of her business
Research |

UNLV political science expert Tiffiany Howard examines the lag in U.S. Black business ownership and opportunities for closing the racial wealth gap.

A U.N.L.V. banner on campus.
Campus News |

A collection of news stories featuring the people and programs of UNLV.

Hands of white and black people being raised in the air at a protest.
Research |

UNLV African American and African Diaspora Studies professor Tyler D. Parry on the effectiveness of protesting to enact social change.

man in graduate cap and gown pictured outdoors
Business and Community |

MGM College Opportunity program helps workers like Henry Melton complete their degrees and expand the skills they bring to their jobs.

Eight U.N.L.V. graduates pose for a photo in their graduation attire.
Campus News |

A collection of stories featuring UNLV’s continued flexibility and adaptability in the face of COVID-19.