In The News: College of Liberal Arts

National Geographic

Some experts say modern humans should eat from a Stone Age menu. What's on it may surprise you.

Las Vegas Sun
The Democrats don’t have a big-name candidate for governor. But they do have Vice President Joe Biden. Today, 102 days before the Nov. 4 election day, Biden will be the second national party leader to visit Las Vegas in three days to rally Democrats for key races in the state.

Remember the "good ol’ days" when summer vacation meant watching "Charlie’s Angels" and roaming the streets at all hours? When no child had heard of organic kale chips and lunch was fried bologna with a Tab?

Las Vegas Sun
During the 2013 legislative session, the Nevada Legislature passed Senate Bill 391 establishing the “Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Concerning Community Colleges” to examine “the governance structure and funding methods for community colleges.”