In The News: College of Liberal Arts

Financial Express (India)

With the proliferation of social media sites, the desire to stay connected online has become permanent. But this digital addiction is now beginning to take its toll on people’s happiness. As technology becomes omnipresent, the dangers of digital dependency are real and unsettling.


Two years ago, when Emily Osowski was starting a job as a software engineer in New York City, she had to seriously reconsider her wardrobe.


Howard Hughes bought it fifty years ago. It closed thirty years ago. Let’s look back at the Silver Slipper.

News 18

A woman changing her last name after her marriage has been a part of the tradition in most places across the world. Until the ninth century, the idea didn’t even surface in English common law, when lawmakers began to consider the legalities surrounding personhood, families, and marriage.

Daily Beast

New research suggests how to turn off out-of-control signaling in the brain.


This week, Christine Hallquist, a transgender woman from Vermont, made history as the first openly trans person to ever win the nomination of a major political party for governor.


Inside a bustling mall on a recent Saturday, volunteers working for the Nevada Democratic Party pester attendees at a job fair hosted by the Latin Chamber of Commerce to register to vote. Steven Horsford is working the crowd, smiling and laughing with the volunteers he recognizes.


Attendees at a job fair hosted by the Latin Chamber of Commerce strolled through a local mall on a recent Saturday, taking information and back-to-school giveaways from employers looking for new workers.


Howard Hughes bought it fifty years ago. It closed thirty years ago. Let’s look back at the Silver Slipper.

Reno Gazette-Journal

Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller’s sliding positions last year on a long-held GOP promise to repeal Obamacare are providing plenty of fodder for Democrats and activists hoping to stymie his re-election.

Associated Press

Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller’s sliding positions last year on a long-held GOP promise to repeal Obamacare are providing plenty of fodder for Democrats and activists hoping to stymie his re-election.

Medical News Today

New research finds that two key brain proteins are involved in the neuronal misfiring that characterizes epilepsy. The findings “could potentially change textbooks” on epilepsy, according to the researchers, as well as pave the way for new therapies.