In The News: College of Liberal Arts


Twelve years after Nevada debuted as one of the four states that sets the tone and tempo of a presidential nominating contest, party strategists are working to boost their visibility in a Democratic primary that has so far disproportionately focused on the other three early states.


In 2007, the pornography website Pornhub averaged 1 million visits per day. By 2018 this had increased to 92 million visits per day – or 33.5 billion views over the course of a year.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Less than a week remains for Clark County lawyers to rate judges in the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s Judicial Performance Evaluation.

USA Today

Liliana Campos was on a train from Los Angeles to San Francisco when she got a text from her brother alerting her of Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids in San Bruno, California.

The Atlantic

The ongoing protests in Hong Kong have captivated the world, prompting speculation of another brutal Tiananmen-like government crackdown. Rather than viewing Hong Kong merely through the lens of a China problem, however, it may make more sense to see it in the context of the broader Asia-Pacific region.

LSE USCentre

Are women really at a disadvantage compared to men when they run for elected office? In new research, Rebecca D. Gill and Kate Eugenis look at how women fare when they run for state supreme court judgeships. Using over 15 years’ worth of election data across the states, they find that women are seven percentage points more likely than men to win elections against incumbents, and that they do no better or worse than men when they are incumbents themselves or run in open seat races.

KSNV-TV: News 3

First, a little civics lesson, and we’ll keep it simple.

Nevada Current

Earlier this month, the FBI arrested a 23-year-old Las Vegas man on suspicion of possessing parts to make a bomb and who allegedly wanted to attack a synagogue, the regional Anti Defamation league office, and an LGBTQ bar.

BBC Future

What were you thinking about a second ago? Or, to cut to the chase, how were you thinking about it? It’s a deceptively tricky question to answer.


The Henderson Libraries aims to be a comfortable and welcoming place for all populations and education is a major key to their goal.

Everyday Health

On fields, courts, tracks, and arenas everywhere athletes are pushing the limits of what the human body can do (and what their own bodies can do). The difference between winning and losing may come down to fractions of a second, a single decision to go left rather than right, or the ability to endure just a little bit more.


Las Vegas has been known, unfairly, for blowing up its past. We’ve lost some buildings we wish could have been preserved. But most of the more recent losses have been confined to the resort corridor. One of the hotels to topple was the Landmark. Tearing it down was quick. Building it was a story unto itself, as was its opening, fifty years ago this past July.