In The News: College of Liberal Arts

Washington Post

For more than a century, a Confederate monument has towered over the heart of the University of Mississippi, a stark reminder of divisions that have endured long past the Civil War. On Thursday, state officials finally relented: The monument can go.


THE BOOGALOO BOIS dress in Hawaiian shirts, stitch igloo patches on their clothes and bags, and spend their days slinging pro-gun memes back and forth on Reddit, Discord, and Facebook. They have also been linked to a plot to spark unrest at George Floyd protests in Las Vegas with firebombs, and to the deaths of two law enforcement officers in the Bay Area.

KSNV-TV: News 3

While the issue of police reform continues around the country one company that started in Las Vegas is providing officers an option before using lethal force.

KLAS-TV: 8 News Now

Confederate symbols, including UNLV’s mascot, “Hey Reb!” have been and are being removed across the country because of protests and calls to end systemic racism.

KSNV-TV: News 3

Washing your hands less. Leaving the mask at home. Giving out handshakes and hugs. In the midst of the pandemic, more people are becoming less diligent with their health precautions, alarming doctors.

The National Interest

Recently, Taiwan has been under the spotlight in international media for three main events: passing a same-sex marriage act in May 2019, Tsai winning a reelection in January 2020, and the outstanding performance in fighting the coronavirus pandemic. The statehood of Taiwan, however, is not as clear as the above achievements. While numerous international media outlets tend to Taiwan as a self-ruled island-state, others often avoid using the term “country” to describe Taiwan due to the chagrin of Beijing. The duality of reporting exemplifies the dilemma of Taiwan’s statehood.

Christian Science Monitor

In the wake of nationwide protests following the suffocation of George Floyd under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer, the idea of defunding police departments has gained momentum in the national conversation about law enforcement and race. But the term “defund” has led to confusion and pushback from those who worry it means eliminating police entirely.


Visitors from Philly and even Connecticut flocked to Atlantic City on Friday, the first day it was legal to consume alcohol in some public spots.

The Sun News

The researchers’ goal in conducting the study was to learn about whether a diversity of daily experiences leads to a more positive emotional state.

Anthropologist on the Street Podcast

Anthropology graduate student Lyndsey Craig examines pubic hair removal practices across 72 societies, and how the practices are tied to cultural concerns about hygiene and sexual activity. Whereas most literature on public hair removal practices focus primarily on Western cultures, in particular how women are included in and affected by marketing, pornography, and pop culture, Craig and biological anthropologist Dr. Peter Gray performed historical, cross-cultural research across dozens of non-Western societies. They found that whether and how pubic hair was removed depended on a diverse array of cultural messages about hygiene, fertility, sexuality and beauty.

KSNV-TV: News 3

"What Black Lives Matter has initiated is a civil rights movement," said Tyler D. Parry Assistant professor of African American History at UNLV.

The Ringer

After shutting down a Dallas Police Department app and donating more than $1 million to the Black Lives Matter movement, it’s clear that K-pop fans are a legitimate force to be reckoned with. But this shouldn’t exactly be a surprise—fervent fan bases have always been particularly equipped to force change.