In The News: Department of Political Science

Las Vegas Review Journal

Facing long lines and nippy weather, more Nevada Republicans than the Nevada GOP had expected came out to their caucus locations to show support for former President Donald Trump. Some voters expressed frustration and called the processes disorganized, begging the question: Will the Nevada Republican Party try to do it again?


This year's races in the state "were created to give all the convention votes to Donald Trump... They have not hidden it and it is not a secret," explains an academic.


For Nikki Haley, the Republican primary in Nevada was a real failure. It was already clear beforehand that she definitely wouldn't get a single delegate vote there. This was due to a dispute between the state and the Republicans. They boycotted the state-organized primary on February 6th and are holding their own caucus on February 8th. Haley ran in the primary, Trump is running in the caucus. The delegates' votes are only awarded at the election meeting.

Gray DC

Trump is the only major Republican candidate running in the caucuses after former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley took part in the state’s primary on Tuesday.

Washington Post

Nevada held a Republican presidential primary Tuesday. On Thursday, the state GOP will host Republican presidential caucuses — with a different set of candidates competing. Confusing? Yes. Here’s how we got there and what actually matters.

New York Times

Democrats say the state’s economy is getting better, while Republicans argue it’s getting worse. Which message resonates more could decide the pivotal battleground state this fall.

USA Today

Nevada's Republican voters have overwhelmingly chosen "none of these candidates" as their choice in the state's GOP primary, an embarrassing blow for former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was essentially running unopposed.


State will have a GOP primary and a caucus this week, but only the latter counts


Trump is on one ticket. Haley’s on the other. (So is “none of these candidates.”)

Deutsche Tageszeitung

Donald Trump's name is not on the ballot in the Republican presidential primary on Tuesday in the US state of Nevada - the ex-president is still expected to win the desert state's delegate votes: The Republicans have another opportunity to support their favorite this week. In the Democratic presidential primary in Nevada, Trump's successor, incumbent Joe Biden, will be the favorite in the race on Tuesday.

New York Times

The bifurcated Republican presidential nomination contest that is unfolding this week in Nevada — a nonbinding primary Tuesday and a caucus Thursday — was orchestrated by Republican leaders to assure another delegate victory for former President Donald Trump in his march to the nomination.

Las Vegas Review Journal

More than 93,000 Nevada Democrats and nearly 58,000 Republicans participated in early voting for the presidential preference primary — numbers that are close to past caucus participation but are lower than previous primaries.