In The News: Department of Sociology

Global News

It all used to be so simple: a baby was born, declared either a boy or a girl, and families would go on their merry way.

Rolling Stone

On National Geographic, yesterday a documentary was shown that tries to describe the change in the concept of gender. Our correspondent interviewed a group of experts during the presentation in Los Angeles.

TV Zap

In the 21st century society, the concept of gender is no longer so clear and the world is coping with a huge cultural revolution that now a documentary, broadcast on Tuesday, January 31 at 20.55 on National Geographic, tries to explain.


Dylann Roof has chosen to represent himself during the sentencing phase of his trial. As he awaits his fate, what are white supremacist organizations saying about him?

Konbini France

By titling "Gender Revolution" in its January issue, National Geographic magazine highlights transgender people through the face of 9-year-old Avery Jackson.

NBC News

In an effort to shed more light on a topic that has been at the center of social and political debates all year, National Geographic will be debuting a new magazine and accompanying documentary dedicated to examining gender around the world.

National Geographic

She always felt like a man, not a girl.


Intersex “is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male,” according to the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA).


If you happen to find yourself in Sydney this week, you have the unique opportunity to have sex with the earth. You just need to stop by the "ecosexual bathhouse," which is currently part of the Sydney LiveWorks Festival of experimental art. The bathhouse is an interactive installation created by artists Loren Kronemyer and Ian Sinclair of Pony Express, who described the work to me as a "no-holds-barred extravaganza meant to dissolve the barriers between species as we descend into oblivion" as the result of our global environmental crisis. But they also see their piece as a part of a much larger ecosexual movement, which they say is gathering momentum around the world.

Raising Zoomer

If you’ve never heard of intersex, you aren’t alone.

A few weeks ago a colleague and I were at a popular Las Vegas bar attending a drag show fundraiser for a local nonprofit gender and sexual rights organization. In between drag show performances, the host, who introduced herself as a “drag queen,” kept encouraging the 35 or so people in attendance to purchase more raffle tickets to raise money for Nevada’s gender variant community.


Most people visit brothels seeking pleasure. I went seeking the guidance of a self-described “feminist pimp” who promised to teach me something more valuable.

Associated Press

A campus of homeless services, a place for people living on the street to store belongings, and a mental health hub are some of the ideas being floated to curb chronic homelessness in downtown Las Vegas.