Accomplishments: School of Life Sciences

Matthew Le Claire (Liberal Arts), Erdogan Kaya (Education), and Michael Isaacs (Life Sciences) are this year's recipients of the Graduate College's Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Awards. 1st Place - Matthew Le Claire (College of Liberal Arts) 2nd Place - Erdogan Kaya (College of Education) 3rd Place - Michael Isaacs (School of Life…
The National Science Foundation will fund Kurt Regner and Eduardo Robleto's (Life Sciences) proposal, REU SITE: Mechanisms of Evolution (DBI 1757316 - $333,830).  REU Sites offer paid summer undergraduate research internships supplemented with workshops on careers in science.  The overarching goal of this proposal is…
Erin Cassin (Life Sciences) attended and presented her work at the Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM in Washington D.C., earlier this month. Her work is based on a collaborative project between the lab of professor Philippos Tsourkas and the lab of professor emeritus Penny Amy in the School of Life Sciences. Cassin, an undergraduate…
Jacklyn Newsome (Life Sciences) successfully defended her master's thesis in the Schiller Laboratory of Applied Bioinformatics in December. She worked on personalized diets and a new single-cell technology called the GigaAssay. Both have been licensed commercially.  
Ai-Sun "Kelly" Tseng (Life Sciences) and members of the Tseng laboratory recently published a research article titled "A Model for Investigating Developmental Eye Repair in Xenopus" in the journal Experimental Eye Research. This study showed the unexpected finding that frog embryos can fully regrow their eyes after injury. The authors also…
Jenifer Utz (Life Sciences) has been awarded $649,407 from the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education for a project titled "Developing the Skill and Will to Succeed in STEM." Katie Rafferty, Christy Strong, Donald Price (all Life Sciences), and Matt Bernacki (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) are Co-PIs.…
Alexis Sauceda-Quintero (Life Sciences) was selected to give an oral presentation of his research at the recent 2017 annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Phoenix. An undergraduate researcher in the lab of Kelly Ai-Sun Tseng (Life Sciences), Sauceda-Quintero presented “Regrowing a Tail: Does…
Donald Price (Life Sciences) is one of the authors of a research paper, "Mapping Genomic Scaffolds to Chromosomes Using Laser Capture Microdissection in Application to Hawaiian Picture-Winged Drosophila," that was published in Cytogenet Genome Research. His fellow authors are Lin Kang, Phillip George, Igor Sharakhov, and Pawel Michalak, all of…
School of Life Sciences associate professor and associate dean of the College of Sciences Javier A. Rodríguez was appointed Affiliated Researcher of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley. “Affiliated Researcher” is an official designation conferred to a small number of investigators with…
Lauren Galloway (Sociology), Jillian Socea (Life Sciences), Kimberly Stevens (Psychology), and Monia Kazemeini and Sogol Pirbastami (both Mechanical Engineering) have been chosen to receive the fall 2017 Southwest Travel Awards. Recipients of the awards receive a round-trip travel voucher from Southwest Airlines to allow them to travel to a…
Laurel Raftery, Andrew Andres, Ai-Sun "Kelly" Tseng, and Boo Shan Tseng (all Life Sciences), and Hong Sun (Chemistry & Biochemistry), have been awarded a National Science Foundation Major Research Instrumentation grant to purchase a multiphoton fluorescence imaging system titled "MRI: Acquisition of a High Speed Multiphoton Laser-Scanning…
Forty undergraduates recently were awarded scholarships through the office of undergraduate research's summer undergraduate research funding (OUR SURF) program. These scholarships support undergraduate research, scholarship, entrepreneurial, performance, or visual art projects in the summer months. A total of $39,000 in funding was…