In The News: Department of Geoscience

Jacky Rosen U.S. Senator for Nevada

Today, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) released the following statement applauding the National Science Foundation (NSF) for awarding $828,904 in funding to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Coyote Gulch

The following are just a few of the ways “climate change now” made its full force known in the Rocky Mountains this year and showed its impact on everyday life.

KSNV-TV: News 3

UNLV science professors Libby Hausrath and Arya Udry are finally getting an opportunity to analyze data after being selected by NASA for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission.

KSNV-TV: News 3

UNLV science professors Libby Hausrath and Arya Udry are finally getting an opportunity to analyze data after being selected by NASA for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission.

The Colorado Sun

Choking on ozone spikes, losing favorite hiking spots like Hanging Lake, sweating through fall school days — climate change is now.


The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences has a rich history dating back more than a century, from the original focus on mining engineering, to today's interdisciplinary focus on earth, energy, and materials sciences and engineering.

Maven's Notebook



The Colorado River Basin is enduring two decades of drought, and water shortages are on the horizon. But scientists say this isn’t the worst-case scenario.

A global shortage in semiconductor chips has been wreaking havoc on diverse sectors, including the tech, automotive, consumer electronics industries, and everything in between.


The drought in the southwestern U.S. isn't new - it's actually a couple of decades old now.

Nevada Current

Drought, wildfires, declining water supplies, threats to human health made even more dangerous by urban design flaws and socioeconomic inequities — the climate crisis has already hit the Southwest hard. And it’s only going to get worse.


On Monday, the US government announced a water shortage for the first time in the Colorado River, in the southwest of the country. Western North America has been ravaged by drought and wildfires for months.