In The News: Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies

Las Vegas Review Journal

A UNLV professor ponders where machine learning is taking us

Las Vegas Review Journal

Clark County and the Metropolitan Police Department spent more than $600,000 of taxpayer money in recent years on lengthy, unsuccessful legal battles to hide public information from the Las Vegas Review-Journal and its readers.

The Diary Of A CEO

Is comfort killing you? And why can we never get enough of anything? Is the real way to find happiness by going against our most basic instincts?


More than 30 years ago, Las Vegas had the Running Rebels, the champions of the NCAA with stars who went onto professional careers and a coach, Jerry Tarkanian, whose name still evokes respect among those who were here.

New York Times

Rucking, which is simply walking with a weighted backpack, is a great way to combine strength training and cardio without setting foot inside a gym.

KCBS Radio

The lure of food videos can easily lead viewers down the rabbit hole of an endless stream of content designed to make you hunger for more. Its called Mukbang, a sort of video, typically found on YouTube and TikTok, with hosts enthusiastically devouring a lot of food  while interacting with their captive audience.


Ever find yourself inexplicably sucked into (another!) video of social media influencer downing a massive feast of 100 different kinds of shrimp? You can't scroll past. And before you know it, you're craving crustaceans, making reservations at that new seafood restaurant, and searching for recipes.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas author Michael Easter has gone deep into the origins of a question many of us find ourselves asking in today’s technologically-driven, fast-paced society: why can’t we stop looking at our phones?

City Cast Las Vegas

Author and UNLV journalism professor Michael Easter is an expert on self-improvement. His first book, 2021’s “The Comfort Crisis,” showed how to unlock the power of discomfort to upgrade your life. His new book, published today, is “Scarcity Brain: Fix Your Craving Mindset & Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough.”

Las Vegas Review Journal

The origins of Las Vegas high culture run deep — and you can’t tell the story without a chapter on Charles Vanda Here’s the backstory

In the late 19th century, an Eastern physician might prescribe camphor, opium, carbolic acid or a one-way ticket to Southern California. Climatotherapy, as it was called, held that an especially healthful climate (“salubrious” was the favored term) could cure asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatism and many other ailments.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The Nevada attorney general’s office took months to produce public records that the state’s other constitutional offices promptly released, raising questions about why the state’s top law enforcement office continues to delay the release of important documents that help taxpayers understand its function.