News: Department of Physics and Astronomy

Clouds forming near black hole
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Once you leave the majestic skies of Earth, the word “cloud” no longer means a white fluffy-looking structure that produces rain. Instead, clouds in the greater universe are clumpy areas of greater density than their surroundings.

A woman in a labcoat manipulates a test tube
Business and Community |

Life sciences' Helen Wing and colleagues assisting Southern Nevada Health District with viral transport medium; other faculty in College of Sciences contribute protective equipment.

UNLV professor Matthew Lachniet works in his lab on campus.
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A collection of stories highlighting UNLV faculty and students who made the news in 2019.

a close-up of a group of circles
Arts and Culture |

Researchers from the College of Sciences showcase the artistic side of science by featuring their most captivating research images.

Physicist standing over table with green laser beams
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Physicist Ashkan Salamat one of just 46 university professors nationwide – and the first from UNLV – selected for competitive award, which is now in its 10th year.

artist conception of cosmic event
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Two dense, city-sized stars collided in a galaxy far, far away; the resulting X-rays give UNLV’s Bing Zhang and international team of astronomers a new way to spot when it happens and a rare glimpse into how neutron stars form.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
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From UNLV Magazine spring 2019 issue.

An image of the Earth depicted as a flat surface.
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As the Flat Earth Theory gains resurgence with a new Netflix documentary, a UNLV astronomer explains how it fizzles.

A portrait of George Rhee, a professor of physics and astronomy at UNLV.
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UNLV physicist developed a calculator to compute the significance of using renewables in a warming world.

petri dish and beakers containing liquids
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In 2018, faculty and students collaborated with one another and international colleagues on scientific exploration that sought to help people make sense of themselves and the world around them.

The Milky Way Galaxy seen over the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array west of Socorro, New Mexico.
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Astrophysicists discover a large population of potential young planets in distant solar systems.

image of moon orbits
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UNLV astrophysicists ponder "reservoirs of life" on the moons of planets expelled by their hosts and drifting through the galaxy.