In The News: Department of Environmental and Occupational Health


Thirteen months of social distancing and masks, and it’s no wonder people are having less sex.


If you feel your allergies coming on, doctors say put a mask on.

Shelter in Place podcast

How can we make space for concerns about the vaccine and grapple with a difficult history? Dr. Joyce Sanchez says that the most important thing she can do when addressing vaccine hesitancy is to shut up and listen. Note: mentions of non-consensual clinical trials and experimentation.


More sleep at night, fewer or no sleep problems, and low levels of professional burnout were associated with a lower risk of developing COVID-19 among healthcare workers considered to be at high risk for exposure to patients with COVID-19, new evidence reveals.

verywell health

On March 2, President Joe Biden directed every state to prioritize educators, specifically pre-K-12 and childcare workers, for COVID-19 vaccination, allowing them to go to local pharmacies to sign up for the vaccine. This directive is seen as a step in the right direction in resuming regular instruction in schools safely, with Biden emphasizing how crucial it is to get kids back inside the classrooms as soon as possible.

Weight Watchers Canada

Whether you have your own home office or are using a laptop at your kitchen table, if you’re one of the many Canadians who are working from home, you know how important a comfortable setup can be.


In late April, The American Lung Association issued its annual air quality grades, including a pretty bad one for Las Vegas (F), pegging it as the ninth-worst-polluted metropolitan area in the country. The Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability immediately shot back that the area’s air quality is “good, despite the American Lung Association grade,” based on its compliance with all but one (ozone) of the EPA standards for air pollutants.

Las Vegas Sun

The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t the first viral outbreak Brian Murphy has seen as a health care professional in Las Vegas. An HIV caregiver since the 1980s, he says there are lessons to be learned from past outbreaks, particularly the emergence of HIV/AIDS.


Public health experts at UNLV and Southern Nevada Health District hosted a live online discussion on Monday to talk prevention of COVID-19 and what the future may hold.


Public health experts at UNLV and Southern Nevada Health District hosted a live online discussion on Monday to talk prevention of COVID-19 and what the future may hold.


Las Vegas health experts discuss COVID-19 today at UNLV.


Las Vegas health experts discuss COVID-19 today at UNLV.