In The News: Department of Anthropology

The Scientist

A low-fiber diet decimated the diversity of bacterial species in mice colonized with human gut microbes in a recent study.

International Business Times

Pets could be the key to having a perfect date, a new study suggests. Researchers found that men with adopted pets are deemed more attractive, especially those with dogs, as women consider these animals as the “hottest” pet.

National Geographic

The saying "love me, love my dog" may have some basis in reality: A new study suggests that pets can influence how we perceive potential dates.

Washington Post

Attention dog-loving singles! A new study has confirmed what so many dog park visits and “yappy hours” and gimmicky Instagram accounts have already made so obvious: Your furry friend can help get you laid.

Science News

Scientists trying to untangle the human evolutionary family’s ancient secrets welcomed a new set of tantalizing and controversial finds this year. A series of fossil discoveries offered potentially important insights into the origins of the human genus, Homo. Most notably, a group of South African fossils triggered widespread excitement accompanied by head-scratching and vigorous debate.


If you want a date, maybe you should get a dog, first.


Men who use their dogs to pick up women might be on to something: New research has found that having a pet makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex.

Las Vegas Review Journal

You've got a fancy car and a suit so sharp it'd cut paper. You've sprung for a dozen red roses and a box of absurdly overpriced candy and, now, you're ready to impress your date.

Daily Mail

Many men and and women will attest to the fact there is something alluringly sexy about a handsome man caring for a dog.

Yahoo! News UK

For single men a dog can provide companionship and affection and, it would appear, a steady stream of potential dates.

Psychology Today

Can your dog or cat boost your sex appeal?


In the Navajo Nation, electricity may be a fragile commodity as climate change intensifies. Other tribes in the United States face similar energy quandaries. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) announced Sept. 2 that it is requesting applications to co-fund renewable energy, energy efficiency and combined heat and power to help increase the climate resilience of indigenous communities. The available funding is estimated to total around $4 million to $6 million. Applications are due by Dec. 10.