Topic: alumni

A man in a UNLV basketball jersey leans on a gold-colored Oldsmobile.
People | June 5, 2019

Francisco Franco used to commute to school in a stock Oldsmobile in the late 1990s. When he was invited last year to bring the same car — now a custom lowrider — back for an art exhibit, it was a full-circle moment for the UNLV alumnus.

woman in front of posters
People | March 28, 2019

Mariana Sarmiento Hernández, once an undergraduate Dreamer, now helps undocumented students navigate the intricacies of immigration policy.

man in wheelchair receiving honorary jersey
People | March 15, 2019

Bruce Layne spent decades attending, teaching, and advocating for his alma mater. Now he's memorialized by Rebel baseball.

portrait of woman and poster for White Helmets movie
People | February 22, 2019

Movie awards season keeps UNLV alum and Netflix employee Kelli Hill on the move.

Greg Lull leans against a wall
People | February 7, 2019

UNLV grad brings an engineering mindset to his role as chief marketing officer for Credit Karma

Sandra Douglass Morgan
People | January 11, 2019

From one professional venture to the next, Boyd alum Sandra Douglass Morgan remains committed to serving others.

People | December 4, 2018

The abstract mandalas of UNLV alumnus James Stanford demand close inspection. A new art book collects his works.