Topic: experiential learning

collage of group in canoe on lake and couple smiling
People | December 6, 2020

An interest in Lego and science, and an introductory class at UNLV, led one-time potential graphic design student Iani Batilov to civil engineering.

U.N.L.V. signage with Fall leaves in the background
People | November 30, 2020

UNLV engineering alumni look back at how Senior Design prepared them for their careers.

woman smiling
Research | October 6, 2020

Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute student researchers embrace remote learning and engage in public policy research to benefit UNLV and the region.

A man stands in front of Greenspun Hall with his arms folded
Campus News | August 6, 2020

As shutdowns threatened internships, various programs and employers have found creative workarounds for students to gain crucial workplace experience.

A woman in an Army uniform smiles
People | May 20, 2020

National Guard member and UNLV student Jackie Trujillo finds way to balance helping combat the virus with her studies.

A man in a suit pulls a cord on a dune buggy
Research | May 1, 2020

Annual College of Engineering competition will hold all of its team presentations and judging virtually.

UNLV professor Matthew Lachniet works in his lab on campus.
People | December 27, 2019

A collection of stories highlighting UNLV faculty and students who made the news in 2019.