Topic: science and technology

illustration of rover landing
Research | February 18, 2021

Before you tune into today's Mars landing, read up on UNLV's role in the search for life on the Red Planet.

two people back to back at computer screens with code projected behind them
Campus News | February 10, 2021

New interdisciplinary degree looks at long-term solution to thwarting cybercrimes

U.N.L.V. geoscientist Arya Udry sits in front of her microscope in her office
Research | December 21, 2020

Udry is one of just 13 scientists added to NASA’s Participating Scientist Program and will help the Perseverance Rover to recognize magmatic rocks; becomes second UNLV professor on Mars 2020 science team.

A woman stands next to a mascot in a skunk costume
People | December 6, 2020

Alumna credits her involvement in a student organization with her current career in aeronautical engineering.

A woman in protective equipment stands at a construction site
People | December 6, 2020

UNLV alumna Brittany Radke applies lessons from UNLV's Senior Design competition in her work as an environmental engineer.

U.N.L.V. researcher Edwin Oh holds a pipette in his lab on campus
Research | November 20, 2020

UNLV researcher Edwin Oh and collaborators implement wastewater surveillance programs to supplement coronavirus contact tracing efforts, help prevent outbreaks.