Topic: academics

students talk in class
Campus News | August 19, 2016

As the campus gears up to host the final presidential debate, UNLV professors are making direct connections between their course materials and this year's ground-breaking election season.

Dr. Stephen Dahlem draws on white board
Campus News | May 25, 2016

Forget the big lecture halls — UNLV's future doctors will begin their studies by working in groups to treat (paper) patients.

Mary-Ann Winkelmes
Campus News | January 21, 2016

UNLV leads the country with a program that proves even small changes to assignments can yield big results in classroom success — especially among first-generation students.

Kristie Berthelotte helps a student
Campus News | August 10, 2015

Changes to advising, an overhaul of the freshman experience, and an emphasis on taking a full course load are getting today's Rebels off to the right start. It's all part of helping students stick with their studies and graduate on time.