Topic: our campus

wide shot of a large parking garage
Campus News | August 22, 2023

Each semester brings new changes when it comes to campus parking. Use these tips to prepare for your arrival on campus this fall.

toddlers on playground with trying to catch bubbles
Campus News | May 8, 2023

The UNLV/CSUN Preschool at the Lynn Bennett Center for Early Childhood Education is about to hit a big growth spurt.

female student interviewing man on tv set
Campus News | April 21, 2023

She never settled for an average college experience and followed her passion for storytelling to the The College Tour screen. 

picture of building exterior
People | March 10, 2023

Marge and Bill Speer’s love and dedication to each other and the university has been commemorated in what once was their favorite spot on campus.

close up of the flower Caesalpinia Pulcherrima
Arts and Culture | September 28, 2022

Summer rainstorms provide artistic backdrop for the plants that populate UNLV's distinct Mojave Desert landscape.