UNLV and Global Alzheimer’s Organization Collaborating to Bring Next-Gen Research to Las Vegas
Entities sign Memorandum of Understanding to cultivate best-in-class clinical research services for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Entities sign Memorandum of Understanding to cultivate best-in-class clinical research services for Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
The platform transforms UNLV’s research infrastructure, enhances the university’s data-driven culture, and supports strategic decision-making to expand faculty opportunities.
The College of Education's National Institute for the Advancement of Education awarded four faculty research grants that will explore potential solutions for retaining Nevada's teachers.
UNLV astrophysicists analyze data from Event Horizon Telescope’s groundbreaking imaging of Sagittarius A* and suggest it formed by merger of two black holes roughly 9 billion years ago.
A newly launched UNLV startup advances the search for water sustainability solutions to the Southwest climate crisis.
Nutrition sciences professor Neda Akhavan's recent study suggests spuds as a potential superfood for those with Type 2 diabetes.
The College of Sciences installs a dilution refrigerator, a machine used to study quantum particles and devices near absolute zero.
New study by international team of scientists in the journal Nature has discovered the origin of the persistent emission of radiation observed in some deep-space fast radio bursts.
Benjy Sedano-Herrera is finding international success through his research in a UNLV Life Sciences lab and his networking outside of it.
It’s not how many minutes, but how much fun, says new neuroscience research.
Six-year study reveals that closely following Mediterranean and DASH diets is linked with lower cardiovascular disease risk.
Working in the field of immunotherapy, Amani Makkouk’s career was set in motion by her time as a master’s student in the School of Integrated Health Sciences.