Study: Elevated Mercury in Canned Tuna May Pose Hidden Health Hazard
UNLV Researchers Test Three National Brands’ Canned Tuna for Mercury; More than Half Exceed EPA Guidelines
UNLV Researchers Test Three National Brands’ Canned Tuna for Mercury; More than Half Exceed EPA Guidelines
Research explores the natural attraction that kids with autism have for computers.
Contrary to what you may think, stretching before you play or work out could actually reduce your athletic performance. Find out why.
UNLV's program tracks the health of Nevada kindergartners to help school district officials provide the resources needed to ensure kids are healthy.
Study examines the impact of that online access is having on gambling addicts.
K-12 Curriculum Blends Native Culture, Western Science to Empower Youth to Live Healthy Lifestyles
Medical and pharmacological aspects of addiction are the focus of this year's conference
Two-year project will examine problem gambling and other concerns among different ethnic groups