Topic: health and medicine

artist rendering of brain
Campus News | June 15, 2020

The Chambers-Grundy Center for Transformative Neuroscience will advance research and the science of treatment for Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders.

portrait of woman
Campus News | June 4, 2020

School of Nursing grad student Erika Kimble finds success as an entrepreneur in the dermatology field.

A person hangs up a "come in, we're open" sign on a window.
Business and Community | June 4, 2020

Mental health expert Dr. Michelle Paul provides strategies on fighting off anxieties as people return to work, outside activities.

portrait of woman
People | May 28, 2020

Professor Elena Gandía García created a service-learning class to address the need for medical interpretation services for the Lied Pediatric Clinic and served as a mentor to colleagues.

A man stands in front of UNLV's bus stop.
People | May 13, 2020

Whether studying the health impacts of fuel in mass transit or obesity in HIV patients, the public health grad has pursued meaningful work at UNLV.

woman in doctor's coat in hallway
Campus News | May 12, 2020

UNLV internist Rajany Dy says accurately forecasting who will survive COVID-19 just can’t be done.