Experts In The News


From the 1930s to today, this series examines Vegas' evolution into an entertainment mecca, and its everlasting ability to reflect and refract American identity. Featuring interviews with entertainers, former showgirls, and other experts.


From the 1930s to today, this series examines Vegas' evolution into an entertainment mecca, and its everlasting ability to reflect and refract American identity. Featuring interviews with entertainers, former showgirls, and other experts.

Domino Theory

In the past, when Taiwan was included in Western academia, it was often treated as a footnote within broader fields of study, such as East Asia or China studies. But now, that’s beginning to change.

The Road to Now

The Presidential election of 1860 is one we Americans know well. That election sent Abraham Lincoln to the White House, southern enslavers to the exit door, and the United States into a bloody Civil War. Lincoln’s leadership in those years and his tragic assassination in the last days of the war propelled the railsplitter into the pantheon of American Presidents.

The Nevada Independent

Nearly a century ago, a towering wall of concrete and steel slowly filled Nevada’s Black Canyon. Behind it pooled millions of gallons of water, stopped in their downstream flow by the newly constructed Hoover Dam. A tremendous feat of human engineering, the dam reshaped not only the canyon but the face of the American West.

Women's Health

Have you been running with arch pain, thinking it’s not a big deal? Well take a pause, because that aching could be plantar fasciitis–which is a big deal when ignored. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the fascia, aka your foot arch, gets inflamed from the accumulation of stress overtime.

K.V.V.U. T.V. Fox 5

Engineering is one of the fastest-growing disciplines on the UNLV campus, and now the school has a brand new, state-of-the-art building to hold all the students it’s attracting.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV celebrated the opening of its Advanced Engineering Building on Friday as the university works to help accommodate one of its fastest growing programs.