Experts In The News

The New York Times

Jack Miralrio and his younger brother, Owen, were born in Mexico and brought to the United States illegally by their mother when they were little. Growing up, both enjoyed video games, soccer and building toy cars. Both excelled at school.

Architectural Digest

As much as Elizabeth Yuko loves her city, she can’t help but daydream about what it would be like to have her own home: specifically, her own historic home with plenty of period-specific details. That’s where the Cheap Old Houses Instagram account comes into the picture.


The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), from its International Gaming Institute, announced a major new study Tuesday that will assess the U.S. sports betting and online gambling markets to try to respond to several questions about the possible impacts, both negative and positive, of its legalization throughout the country.


The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), from its International Gaming Institute, announced a major new study Tuesday that will assess the U.S. sports betting and online gambling markets to try to respond to several questions about the possible impacts, both negative and positive, of its legalization throughout the country.


As all states have moved into various phases of re-opening, you might be wondering what this means for group rides or getting together for postride beers.


Although the coronavirus pandemic has impacted day-to-day life for all, we fortunately still have the option to ride outside, solo or with a small group depending on where you live.

Well + Good

In an effort to keep COVID-19 transmission low on flights, Delta, American Airlines, and Jet Blue announced last week that they will be offering refunds to those who don’t pass airport temperature checks. The temperature screenings are meant to help identify those infected with the coronavirus at security checkpoints, but Brian Labus, PhD, MPH, an infectious disease epidemiologist and public health professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, says temperature screenings on their own aren’t enough to keep infected people off of planes.

The Nevada Independent

George Floyd’s death at the hands of a white police officer in late May brought a rush of Black Lives Matter protests this month across the state and nation, leading to tense confrontations between law enforcement officers and protesters.