Experts In The News

Correio Braziliense

They are supported by the Second Amendment to the Constitution, a text that considers the right to possession of weapons inalienable. They also use the internet for an almost devotion to rifles, in addition to engaging in advocacy for violence and radical political discourse. So-called "watchmen" and "militias" have made headlines in the United States. On August 26, three days after Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by the police, anti-racism protests erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Armed groups arrived from neighboring Illinois and clashed with activists from the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM, “Black lives matter”).

Greenville News

When hundreds of Black Lives Matter protesters came out to a Confederate monument in downtown Greenville earlier this summer, men with guns who called themselves a "militia" showed up, too.

Travel Pulse

The tangible proof is not in the numbers – neither the Automobile Association of America nor the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority predicted holiday travel numbers this year due to the coronavirus pandemic – but the anecdotal evidence was there.

Las Vegas Sun

The flu shot only protects against influenza, not COVID-19. But that’s still valuable as the flu season approaches and the coronavirus pandemic continues, according to health experts.

Navajo-Hopi Observer

In the early 1930s, Robert Carr, a mem-ber of the Creek Nation, was expelled for “incorrigible behavior” from Chilocco Indian Agricultural School near the Kansas-Oklahoma border.


The tangible proof is not in the numbers – neither the Automobile Association of America nor the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority predicted holiday travel numbers this year due to the coronavirus pandemic – but the anecdotal evidence was there.

Seattle Times

The relationship between unions and school districts took on a new dimension during the pandemic.

Las Vegas Sun

Redlining was a government-sanctioned discriminatory policy that designated most urban minority-majority neighborhoods as places banks should not offer home mortgages. The term originates in color maps developed in the late 1930s by Homer Hoyt, an economist with the Federal Housing Administration, to direct mortgage loans made by the Home Owner’s Loan Corp. Redlining refers to the map’s color-coded neighborhood types: red zones indicated high-risk investments; yellow zones medium risk; and green zones low risk.