Experts In The News

Presidential contenders Donald Trump and Joe Biden are trying to capture the support of voters concerned with the gaming industry as it struggles with the impact of coronavirus. But their positions differ based on whether the candidates are reaching out to casino owners or union members, a gaming expert said.

Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas health officials are confident they’ll be prepared to rapidly administer an eventual coronavirus vaccine. They are less confident that people will take it.

The Reporter

Skip Bayless, perhaps the most hated media personality in all of sports, recently made some remarks about Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott that most people considered over-the-top insensitive — even for Bayless.


With schools around the United States beginning to cautiously return their students to on-campus classes, many parents have questions.

Science Mag

Moonwalkers take heart—China’s Chang’e 4 lander has made the first detailed measurements of the intense radiation that blasts the lunar surface and found that it’s safe for human exploration. The results give researchers a better idea of how much protective shielding future crews will need.


Americans who aren’t required to file a federal income tax return may qualify for stimulus checks that were approved as part of the government’s COVID-19 relief package passed earlier this year.

Washington Post

The Supreme Court is a distinctly American institution. Other nations have similar courts, but they tend to be lower-profile entities. In many, judicial turnover is a matter of bureaucratic routine, not party politics.

Pasadena Weekly

As an expression of performance poetry, spoken word forms a singular link between poetry and theatre. So it is fitting that spoken-word artist Javon Johnson’s one-man show “Still.” is helping launch Pasadena Playhouse’s PlayhouseLive, a streaming platform.