Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Eleven months into what everyone thought would be a couple of weeks, the pandemic has strained every corner of civilization.


Many taxpayers file their tax returns as soon as possible to get a quick refund, but this season it may pay to procrastinate.

Washington Post

Four companies that agreed to pay a combined $26 billion to settle claims about their roles in the opioid crisis plan to deduct some of those costs from their taxes and recoup around $1 billion apiece.


As part of a new COVID-19 relief package, Democrats are pushing for Americans to receive a third round of stimulus payments.

Las Vegas Weekly

Sure, you could swear off dating until the pandemic is history. Then again, if you wait for dating to be 100% safe, you could be alone forever.


How effective is AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine? We still don't have a clear, consistent answer.


How effective is AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine? We still don't have a clear, consistent answer.


During tense negotiations over reopening Chicago’s schools, the district and its teachers union accused each other of refusing to budge from inflexible positions.