Experts In The News

Los Angeles Times

His book, “American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement’s Hidden Spaces of Hate,” cowritten with Robert Futrell, includes interviews with white supremacists and details how hate groups cultivate new members.

Men's Health

I recently found myself standing in the Arctic tundra, about 120 miles from civilization, in Kotzebue, Alaska, with half a year’s worth of dinner—100-plus pounds of caribou—strapped to my back. Gnarled four-foot antlers burst from the top of my pack, and my shoulder straps felt so weighty that I thought they might slice me lengthwise into thirds. I was up there on a backcountry hunt, and all I needed to do was carry my meat back to camp. Thing is, the five-mile slog was uphill and across a savage landscape that existed in an ice-cream-like state, all spongy layers, dense moss, mucky swamp, and basketball-sized tufts of grass. No easy path.

The Joe Rogan Experience

Michael Easter was a contributing editor at Men's Health magazine, columnist for Outside magazine, and is professor at UNLV. He also is the author of the new book "The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self" available now.

Art of Manliness

Our world has never been more convenient and comfortable. With just a few taps of our fingers, we can order food to our door, access endless entertainment options, and keep our climate at a steady 72 degrees. We don’t have to put in much effort, much less face any risk or challenge, in order to sustain our daily lives. 


The government sent out an additional 1.1 million stimulus payments last week, but some low-income taxpayers won't receive them because of Congress' failure to keep the money from going to private debt collectors instead.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Will Clark County reach its vaccination goals? The answer to that question has local health officials worried as the number of people getting vaccines continues to drop.

K.N.P.R. News

Each year the Nevada SPCA works to find homes for around 2,000 dogs, cats, rabbits, and other pets. But in 2019, NSPCA insiders accused its president, Kathy Jung, of stealing funds from the non-profit.

K.N.P.R. News

It’s estimated that one in nine people older than 65 in Nevada live with Alzheimer’s disease. The state also ranks as the 3rd fastest growing dementia population in the country.