Experts In The News

National Post

Streaming services such as Twitch and YouTube Live are now a significant part of popular entertainment. These sites host millions of “live streamers” and tens of millions of daily viewers.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

UNLV science professors Libby Hausrath and Arya Udry are finally getting an opportunity to analyze data after being selected by NASA for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

UNLV science professors Libby Hausrath and Arya Udry are finally getting an opportunity to analyze data after being selected by NASA for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission.

Las Vegas Sun

The occupational therapists in training at UNLV will one day work with people recovering from strokes, injury — and COVID-19.

Las Vegas Review Journal

UNLV is home to one of the nation’s most diverse campuses, according to U.S. News & World Report.

In The News UK

The future of teaching has shifted to the online platform following the global lockdown that started early last year, with most lectures and classes being held remotely.

National Geographic

Our human ancestors roamed the Earth 6 million years ago. However, where is the earliest site containing archaeological evidence of their existence?

The Colorado Sun

Choking on ozone spikes, losing favorite hiking spots like Hanging Lake, sweating through fall school days — climate change is now.