Experts In The News

New Atlas

Researchers looking for a pre-approved drug that can be reused to treat Alzheimer’s disease have found promising signs of efficacy in a 50-year-old generic drug commonly used as a diuretic.

University of California Press

UC Press is proud to publish award-winning authors and books across many disciplines. Below are some of our recent award winners from September 2021.

Voice of America

More than 700,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 and as Adriana Arévalo explains, Hispanics and other minority groups are the most affected.

The Scientist

Researchers say they hope to launch a clinical trial to test bumetanide, a diuretic approved in 2002, but how it might improve neural functioning is unclear.

El Tiempo

People who live in the Southwest know that it has been especially hot and dry the last couple of years, but a new government report shows those conditions are truly historic.

K.N.P.R. News

Besides coping with the pandemic, the start of the 2021 school year has had some bumps in Southern Nevada as administrators deal with everything from crazy TiikTok challenges to buses running hours late.


Talking about American slavery, its usually — but not always — about the Southern portions of the United States. Rarely, if ever, do we talk about California.

Verywell Mind

No wonder burnout is on the rise.