Experts In The News

The Economic Times

The study found that stress levels among women with children skyrocketed -- likely because blurred work-life balance boundaries meant they took on the brunt of juggling homeschooling and household chores alongside professional duties.

Vegas PBS

The city of Las Vegas started its life in 1905, and since then, it has soared to become one of the top travel destinations. But what does the city’s unique history teach us about its present and future as it makes its way out of the economic downturn caused by the pandemic?

The Nevada Independent

Homelessness is an entrenched problem for thousands of people in the Las Vegas Valley each year.

The Nevada Independent

Homelessness is an entrenched problem for thousands of people in the Las Vegas Valley each year.

K.N.P.R. News

Las Vegas may be all too eager to get rid of its oldest institutions, but the El Cortez is going nowhere.


Research by UNLV communications expert Natalie Pennington finds that texts, video calls burdened the mental health of working moms during pandemic.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

A recently approved medication for Alzheimer’s disease is making headlines because of its price tag. It costs $56,000 a year.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas police help federal officials capture undocumented immigrants jailed for nonviolent crimes, a shift in practice that critics say was never made public.