Experts In The News

India Today

Scientists have discovered a new phase of ice that can not be found anywhere on Earth, and could be a feature on distant worlds.

India Times

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas researchers have discovered a new kind of ice after putting water through various kinds of pressures.

India Times

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas researchers have discovered a new kind of ice after putting water through various kinds of pressures.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Hundreds have filed. That, in itself, is what got political expert Fred Lokken's attention. Lokken is the chair of the political science department at Truckee Meadows Community College near Reno.


Putin holds massive rally in Moscow on anniversary of Crimea Annexation.

SciTech Daily

UNLV researchers have discovered a new form of ice, redefining the properties of water at high pressures.

SciTech Daily

UNLV researchers have discovered a new form of ice, redefining the properties of water at high pressures.

ANI News

Researchers have discovered a new form of ice, which could have implications for our understanding of distant, water-rich planets.