Experts In The News

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

The public’s reaction to Thursday night’s strip shooting was something experts call – priming effect. 8 News Now spoke to a UNLV psychologist about this and how dangerous it can be because of social media.

Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas’ sewer sleuths, who came to prominence during the pandemic tracking coronavirus through wastewater, are on the trail of another emerging threat: monkeypox.

Mental Daily

In previous research released in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, experts asserted that the human brain shrank amid a transition to modern urban societies nearly 3,000 years ago.

One of the most enduring myths of the casino floor is that a slot machine is more likely to hit a jackpot when it hasn’t for a while, because it’s “due.” Watch any busy bank of slots and you’re likely to see gamblers playing musical stools, attempting to get a feel for which machine is next to pay off big.


U.S. companies with Taiwan-based operations are panicking about the impact of possible Chinese military aggression toward the self-governing island.

Investment News

A major modification to the proposal would allow state regulators to participate in arbitration hearings that determine whether to clear a broker's record of a customer dispute.

Reno News & Review

Those seeking a dystopian postcard for the effects of long-term megadrought and human-caused climate change will find a dandy at Lake Mead.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The Southern Nevada Health District announced Thursday that it had received nearly 3,000 additional doses of the monkeypox vaccine as the U.S. declared a public health emergency to bolster the federal response to the spread of the disease.