Experts In The News


A pioneer in the computing space named Alan Kay said these words over 50 years ago. And they summarize our current situation in the Southwest U.S. quite well. With heat waves getting more severe, along with dwindling groundwater, the unfavorable prognosis for the region requires the intervention of invention.


A decade ago, a Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared without a trace, becoming one of aviation history’s greatest mysteries. An Australian researcher now says he knows why MH370 went missing, maintaining that his conclusions change the narrative of the ill-fated aircraft carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members.


With Election Day approaching, candidates are courting voters with everything they’ve got: targeted ads, texts, taunts and stump speeches. As a fashion historian, I think an overlooked aspect of electioneering is clothing, which is a silent, powerful way for candidates to tell the American public who they are.

Las Vegas Sun

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign unveiled an ad Tuesday magnifying her push to address the housing shortage and lower home costs in America, saying “We should be doing everything we can to make it more affordable to buy a home, not less.”


A mysterious virus endemic in parts of South America is spreading outside the region for the first time - and it's concerning virologists. For decades, Oropouche virus was confined to areas close to the Amazon. The first human case was discovered in the village of Oropouche in Trinidad and Tobago in 1955.

Las Vegas Sun

A light breeze flows through UNLV’s Frank and Estella Beam Hall early Monday morning as students mill about, some waiting anxiously outside classroom doors while others type away at laptops on the nearby benches or tables.


Presidential nominees Donald Trump and Kamala Harris both talked about plans to eliminate taxes on tips during recent campaign stops in Las Vegas. The strategy is meant to appeal to a key voting bloc in a swing state where the service industry employs more than a quarter of the workforce. For more on the actual economic impact it would have and how it's being received by service workers, here's KNPR's Christopher Alvarez.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

An intersection in central Las Vegas came to the attention of the News 3 team due to the lack of a crosswalk. The intersection is at the corner of Naples and Paradise, an area home to trendy bars and lots of pedestrian traffic.