Experts In The News
A 2.8-million-year-old jawbone fossil with five intact teeth unearthed in an Ethiopian desert is pushing back the dawn of humankind by about half a million years.

What sounds a bit like science fiction is everyday hospital reality for Verma - and she's not the only one. Physician and researcher James Mah of the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, for example, creates virtual 3D copies of patients, as he explained at the AAAS conference.

The relict leopard frog’s journey into Southern Nevada’s landscape has seen its share of challenges.

In 2010, a middle-aged Texan man named Billy Crawford went to hospital to check out an odd black dot on his nose.

We’re looking at the heavy-duty digits of a Hubo humanoid robot hanging in his UNLV engineering lab, and Paul Oh is trying to help me understand why they’re not as elegant as mine. Yet.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has announced that students from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas have earned first place in the 2014 AICPA Accounting Competition. Their top finish in the competition earned a $5,000 award for their school.

Paperwork aside, Title IX coordinators say their jobs take an unusual emotional toll and encourage peers to exercise self-care.

A shrewlike creature in Madagascar that can hibernate for at least nine months of the year without waking may help reveal how mammals survived the cataclysm that ended the age of dinosaurs, researchers suggest.