Experts In The News

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Students at UNLV's Center for Gaming Innovation have big plans to shake up the casino world.

Stat News

The volunteer psychologists and counselors have been pouring into this grieving city, so fast that a state official says the supply far exceeds the demand for crisis counseling.


We often think of first responders mainly as police, fire and emergency-medical professionals. In Las Vegas on Monday, NPR's Eric Westervelt found a small volunteer army of mental-health professionals, trauma counselors, psychiatrists and social workers who quickly fanned out to help some of the thousands who had witnessed the massacre up close.

Five Thirty Eight

This year’s Supreme Court term begins Monday with a flashback. Two of the first cases to go before the court are being argued for a second time, now with the crucial addition of new Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was not present for the original oral arguments last term and was therefore unable to weigh in.

Wall Street Journal

Nearly 48 hours after the deadly shooting rampage in Las Vegas, scores of victims remained in hospitals on Tuesday, with dozens in critical condition, including at least two paralyzed patients, according to hospital officials.

Long Beach Press-Telegram

The line stretches down the block before the sun rises in Los Angeles, made up of immigrants seeking help to renew their work permits under a program that has shielded them from deportation but is now nearing its end.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nevada is doing better processing immigration cases involving minors than the nation as a whole, but nearly a quarter of all such cases filed in the state since 2009 are still pending, according to federal data released last week.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The deadliest shooting in U.S. history will force the nation’s hotel industry to rethink security procedures, but there may be little new they can do now to prevent such events, experts say.