Experts In The News

Oregon Live

Much is at stake as the long-anticipated trial begins for Cliven Bundy, two of his two sons and a supporter with militia ties -- the main figures accused of rallying armed supporters to the family’s Nevada ranch in 2014 in a standoff that launched a movement against federal control of public land in the West.

Associated Press

The ability of the federal government to enforce its own land policies in the West will be tested as a trial begins this week of a Nevada rancher accused of leading a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents in a dispute over cattle grazing.

Las Vegas Review Journal

It might be more difficult to sense the fragrances emanating from casinos as you walk the Strip.


On a recent morning at this training ground for a new breed of interior designers, a lesson in empathy came in the form of a badminton game.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

“I can't believe I lived through it, frankly,” Barbara Atkinson told me, as we sat at the conference table in her corner office, dotted with flowers and candy, gifts from well-wishers.


On a recent morning at this training ground for a new breed of interior designers, a lesson in empathy came in the form of a badminton game.

The requirement has been praised but might have its own consequences.

K.N.P.R. News

Nevada doesn’t have a sanctuary city. But other cities around the country have created areas where local government and law enforcement will not assist federal agents in catching undocumented residents.