Experts In The News

Las Vegas Sun

Standing on the front steps of the federal courthouse in downtown Las Vegas, Assemblyman Edgar Flores said that the only differential between recipients of temporary deportation relief and U.S. citizens is a “piece of paper.”

Las Vegas Review Journal

In 2015, North Las Vegas-resident Mike Ziethlow had an idea for creating something like a Yelp for independent music, but he didn’t know how to turn that idea into a product.

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

“I think last night was a great night for Democrats, and we’re going to carry that forward into next year,” Donna West, chairperson of the Clark County Democratic Party, told me Wednesday, the day after her party swept some high-profile off-year elections nationwide.

K.N.P.R. News

Let's go on a vacation. Or a business trip.

Las Vegas Sun

One year after the 2016 election, President Donald Trump’s presidency has succeeded in energizing both Republicans and Democrats.

Bleacher Report

Marshawn enjoys the internet and goes skydiving with UNLV physics professor Michael Pravica on this week’s #NoScript.

The New York Times

When Cliven Bundy refused to hand over his trespassing cattle to officials in 2014, he inspired an armed standoff that highlighted sharp divisions over the power of the federal government and the ways Americans use public lands.


Jury selection for the federal trial against Cliven Bundy begins Monday. The anti-government rancher is charged with leading an armed standoff against federal agents in 2014.